Part two: Victory… or is it really?

(previously on Part One)

As karma consumed the “righteous” Ultraman to his demise, the wretched proclaim dominion again.

Little did they know, Lady Destiny sides with no one, and Karma craves revenge as hungrily as any of us. Victory is born from the losing side’s temporary stage of defeat, and the resolve to win brews during peace time, out of sight, shoved deep within the soul.

Who will be the next sacrificial lamb, when peace deprives the victors their addiction to bloodshed? One never knows…

NEXT (Part Three: We see ghosts when we want to)

BACK to “The Hungry and the Wretched” series main page

About roaccchz

I daydream with my eyes wide open.


  1. This is disturbing! what can be done?

  2. We have to wait and observe….

  3. I have armed myself, in case they come after me.

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